Hi, my name is
Piotr Vassev
I build the future of the web.
I'm a passionate Full-stack web developer dedicaed to building cutting-edge digital experiences. With a foundation in Angular and Spring, I'm looking forward to transition to React and Next.js.
Profile picture

About me

Hi! My name is Peter and I am a Full-stack Web Developer from Poland.
I graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science from the Silesian University of Technology (4.5 GPA).

I have almost 2 years of experience working profesionally as a software engineer at ENTE Ltd. Throughout this time, I have worked on multiple different projects including an online store, data management software and a multi-platform mobile app for train and bus drivers. This experience taught me how to collaborate with other developers, work in an agile environment and deliver scalable, high-quality software that consistently exceeds client expectations.

Outisde of work, I work on my own projects and study the newest technologies in the field of web development such as Next.js, React Server Components, Shadcn/UI and Tailwind. I am also a dedicated marathon runner and a huge fan of Liverpool FC.

Featured Projects

  • EasyMedia


    My first commercial SaaS project, EasyMedia is an AI tool that transforms YouTube videos into posts, threads, images and ideas for social media content. It's an early-stage startup with active users.

  • Price Watch

    Price Watch

    A web application for users to track prices of products from online stores. It contains the dashboard with various charts and tables to visualize the data as well as the weekly email with the Excel spreadsheet containing the price changes and new products.

  • Meeting App

    Meeting App

    Built as part of a 6-month university project, Meeting App is an Android mobile app that uses a meeting scheduling algorithm to schedule meetings for users based on their calendar availability data.


Other Projects

My Skills

  • HTML

    Semantic tags, HTML5

    HTML logo
  • React

    Context API, Hooks, state management with Zustand, React Query, Vite, Framer Motion

    React logo
  • CSS

    Responsive design, Tailwind CSS

    CSS logo
  • Spring Boot

    REST API, Spring Data JPA, Hibernate, JWT Auth

    React image
  • Angular

    RxJS, PrimeNG UI component library, Angular CLI

    Angular logo
  • TypeScript

    Utility types, Generics, Type Guards, Enums

    TS logo
  • Next.js

    React Server Components, Server Actions, App Router, Prisma, Shadcn/UI, Vercel

    Next.js logo
  • Nest JS

    REST API, JWT Auth, TypeORM, MySQL

Contact me

Feel free to contact me directly at piotrv1001@gmail.com or through this form. I will reply as soon as possible.